The monolithic Ikea boxes have yielded today and we now have two chunky looking wardrobes in place. Isadora now has a bedroom too, complete with Hello Kitty prints along one wall. Sitting in utero, I'm sure she would approve!
We got a light dusting of the cold stuff over the weekend. X took great pleasure in his (muddy) snow angels but our (mostly his) joy was short lived. Come the school run today it'd mostly disappeared - he insisted on stamping on the black clumps of slush that remained. On another topic, I'm meeting up with my dad's-to-be group tomorrow evening for beer and curry. This is actually quite exciting for me! Like the first day going on holiday with your parents, you hope to meet some kids to hang out with to make your stay more enjoyable. Well, my stay in parenthood certainly won't be a holiday - but I look forward to some kindred spirits to make life a little easier. Ellen has gathered around her sisters to support and console in times of need... and I want a piece of that too. Or someone to share a beer with whilst we discuss the perils of sleep deprivation..
On the work front, I've been doing some nesting of my own. Had the last day at the gym on Sunday, part of our drawing in of energies to welcome our little girl into the world. Hopefully some semblance of normality will return come April, mentally, physically and financially. In the meantime we sleep, do our Xander duties, and I try to get out as much as I can to keep sane. How strong does cabin fever strike the parents of a new baby? I haven't given it much thought but guess I'll have to now!
Regards from the Man Cave.