Tuesday 10 April 2012

Some of the things I've learnt about babies are...

1. They are warm little bundles who keep your hands toasty: Statement of the bleedin' obvious I guess. For me, it's a fundamental reminder of the little life we've created. She might snuffle like pig, fart like a backfiring motorcycle and produce warm, heavy nappies for me to dispose of. However, she's the newest member of the family and as important to me as all the rest of them.. apart from the cat.. marginally...

2. Some babies are cuter than others: Maybe my proud Dad hat sits a little too securely atop my head right now, it's just I notice some really unappealing children. Ours is but a fragrant princess in comparison.

3. When they start paying attention to things, it can be hilarious: What a fascinating world it must be for Isadora as I carry her through it. Even our front room which I pace up and down in to calm her, seems to be full of wonders that hold her in rapt fascination. My daughters' eyes have this look of drugged fascination when something gets her interest. The latest something being Baby Mozart -  a soothing mix of colourful children's toys, baroque style Muzak and nursery rhyme voice overs. Its all too soothing and hypnotic to be honest - a touch of Stoner Mozart I'm sure you'll agree.

And that's what comes to mind for the moment. I will be summoned back to my duties very shortly I'm sure. You find days becomes very short when there's a tiny little person who runs the place. It's like a parent who allocates duties out to children who have nothing to do:
"Just sat down? I need you to clean my bottom."
"Enjoying dinner? I want you to pace up and down outside in the cold to calm me down" - Shanklin IOW, April 2012. I swear Isadora must've taken offence at the decor of our restaurant or something.
"Nice shirt. Let me sick up down the front of it".

Anyway, I've probably spent too much time in the Man Cave now, I can hear my little one's indignant howls in the distance.


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