Sunday 11 August 2013

Diz and the 'terrible twos'

It seems she's entered them a few months early...

All those little things in the house she didn't notice? She does now. Cupboards are opened, cutlery ends up in places it shouldnt. In short, anything not nailed down has an invitation to be found in a new home.... it's just the way it goes I guess...

The sweet little girl we once knew now knows what she wants. And lets us know her disappointment when she doesn't get it.

D's meek little grumblings have now become lusty howls when a door is closed to her or something is taken from her grasp. It's like having a very angry seagull that starts calling out with minimal provocation. You'll hear sounds of contented bath play then suddenly pained screams break out. On closer inspection Diz will have chucked a toy out of the bath and be staring down at it. Tears streaming down the cheeks and a bereaved expression on the face.  

No supermarket faceplants yet (she can't walk unaided yet, thankfully), but she is growing into a feisty little girl who will hold her own in the world. And I can't wait to see how she grows up.

Still, she has her mother's and big bro's charm which impresses family and friends alike. At our wedding D was passed from friend to friend during the day like a prized pet for stroking and fussing over. She kept a sweet demeanour the whole day and didn't grumble even once. This weekend we visited my cousins and Diz was 'entertained' by a tween coterie who treated her with adulation most babies would tire of pretty quick. My daughter smiled sweetly and seemed to enjoy every moment of it.

So, tolerant little angel or pocket rocket? How will Diz turn out??


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