Sunday 15 March 2015

Her Ladyship at 3...

The kiddies on the Wishing Stone 14.3.15
Dizzy has turned 3. She has inherited her mothers' warmth and engaging nature, but also the iron will and stubbornness on my family's side too. It's a heady mix..

One day she can charm the birds of the trees. The next she can knock those same birds out cold with an indignant shriek when things aren't going her way! Case in point? Trying to extricate her from the soft play today when it was time to go:

I tried to put her boots on. She screamed and wrenched them off.
I tried to put them on again. Same response.
'Fine' I said 'No boots then, Dizzy'. 'I WANT MY BOOOOOTS!!!' was her banshee-like wail.
'You want to wear you coat, Diz?' I asked, carefully trying to guide her arm into a sleeve.
She wrenched it off her arm and hurled it to the ground with a gesture of disgust.

I followed this with a mixture of shock and amusement. Watching my little pocket rocket throw a paddy is still kinda cute. When will it make me want to throttle her? At 5? At 7?

Xander turns 10 end of this month. Being the unique little man he is, we approach him with a similar mix of love and patience. For Comic Relief he coloured in his nose red with a pen.... it looked like he had a new one grafted onto his face which was in the process of being rejected! He doesn't deal well with tiredness either, as I was reminded of today. Whereas most children will get morose and unresponsive, X barks at passing animals and drapes himself over street furniture. Such things simply remind me how unique my boy is. Infuriating but very unique and wonderful.


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