Tuesday 26 January 2010

Post 2 for 2010

A few quickly hammered down thoughts about my birthday, and life generally..

I feel like Ive been neglecting you. 4 updates a week used to be the norm in the old days, but twice a month seems to be more the case today. Makes me feel guilty.

So, 25 days in and it's time for post 2 for the year. I turned 33 this month, and all the existential angst of previous anniversaries has disappeared. I dreaded my late 20's and some of my early thirties, felt my youth was draining away. Finally I feel my age, which is a blessing in some ways as well as a curse. I can redirect Xander's attentions when he's feeling particularly mischievious by telling him 'I'm old and I need my rest'. He buys it sometimes too...

Of course, the juggernaut of popular culture is passing me buy with increasing speed every day. The phenomena that do turn up on the outer reaches of my cultural radar serve only to bemuse and confuse.

1. SKINNY JEANS. Lots of young bucks in Kingston. The uni students dress themselves in the fashions of the day, some of them are pretty silly. Skinny jeans are a prime example, often worn by slim young men with stick like legs to go with them. Tell me this: what is the point of advertising the fact that your legs are the same size mid thigh as they are a few inches above your ankle?? Answers on a postcard please..

2. DANCING ON ICE: The latest 'celebrity' talent format has left me scratching my head in puzzlement. Is the supposed chemistry (or lack of) between 2 D-list celebrities really important enough to deserve a prime time television slot? I caught three minutes on Sunday and watched in dumb amazement whilst a bloke from Hollyoaks and some brunette skated around to hoots and hollers of audience acclaim... nuff said...

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