Sunday 9 October 2011

A snooze within a snooze within a snooze..

This week the movie Inception hit my letterbox courtesy of the nice people at Lovefilm.

And what a load of overblown nonsense it is! I've seen several of director Christopher Nolan's offerings and frankly, have not been that thrilled by any of them.

Don't get me wrong, the ideas which come out of his films are worthy and meaty enough to get your teeth into. The visuals are seamless and stunning too - Inception is a perfect example of this. However, halfway through the second hour with no third act yet in sight the attention cannot help but wander. Personally, I lost any attachment with the characters involved by the hotel scene. I never get tired of the Matrix style wall and ceiling running when its done well, plus Arthur's ingenuity to pull the good guys all out of the dream [within a dream..within a dream] was wonderfully conceived. It's just the introspection and torment of the main character, his missus and the guy they were trying to con just bored the hell out of me!

Just like Memento, Inception has been praised by the fanboys to the heavens. For me its similar in being an incredibly well crafted story but (on the minus side) is just as ponderous in its' beard stroking seriousness. The tone is serious, cold and logical, which in small doses I can tolerate.

Two and a half hours of this kind of stuff, no matter how well crafted will always put me to sleep.


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