Thursday, 12 November 2009

Feelin Blue for a Friend

More vagueness I’m afraid. I’ve written truthful and honest comments in blogs gone by and got in trouble with them so apologies about the lack of clarity. Again.

Working for The Man as I do is a thankless task. It is the people who sit beside me who make it worthwhile. ‘D’ is a case in point. His crude levity is infectious, and he’s the only person who has ever made me cry with laughter at work. A unique occurrence, I’m sure you’d a agree..

‘D’ is the geezer with a heart gold. Behind the chipper manliness lies a surprisingly deep exterior. He’s a guy who takes the lighter approach to life, often floating along on a cloud of bonhomie that people cannot help but warm to. Such a demeanour often gets the attention of the ladies and ‘D’ has had many office successes apparently. Of course, a gentleman never tells so he kept ‘em quiet. Until, that is, the fragrant ‘H’ walked through the door. Bubbly, pretty and with a fine figure, how the men’s heads were turned! Some of the single lads tried their luck and failed miserably before ‘D’ came under the radar and got the girl!

How happy he was. Despite his blokeish bluster it seemed he seemed keen to settle down. The 3am sessions were curtailed and the simmering levels of testosterone abated. ‘H’ moved in, ‘D’ was the Lord of the Manor and regularly getting some action. He had arrived and become the man he seemingly craved to be.

Things got even better! I remember the day he told me ‘H’ was expecting. Sitting at his desk with a broad grin and legs wide open – a statement of macho fertility. They hadn’t really been trying but hadn’t NOT being trying either. Either way ‘D’ was in top form, he had the girl, he had the house and he would soon be having the little one to go with it. So life was looking pretty peachy from where I was sitting.

So the days and weeks went by. ‘H’ had the bump and the glow to go with it whilst ‘D’ was showing off his baby scan pics to interested parties. However things changed, ‘H’ was in less and less, she was signed off work and gradually ‘D’s cheery countenance just wilted. Gone was his banter and cocky strut, replaced by a blank stare and slumped shoulders.. something was obviously up.

Yesterday, a full story of sorts arose. ‘D’ and ‘H’ had gone their separate ways and the former was gutted. Word was that ‘H’ had been a little Machiavellian in her approach but ‘D’ was in pieces. All his dreams were shattered – no more visions of the family sitting round him at Xmas, loving wife and children nearby. He was alone again and I feel terrible for him. He’d escaped from his previous hedonistic lifestyle and seemed to be revelling in making the next step in life. He’s now back to single life, but with an estranged e-partner in the mix and a baby on the way too. I’ve discovered how rewarding a family life (of sorts) can be, to have it the prospect of it waved around in front of you and then cruelly withdrawn must be the most gruelling of blows.

And what follow in its place? Fleeting visits with an indifferent son or daughter every other weekend? A belligerent ex-partner and the inevitable power games that follow? That' ll be even more painful in the long term I reckon…

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