Sunday, 8 November 2009


Ever have those moments when the brain will just not function the way you want it? I’m not talking due to tiredness or overindulgence here. Im talking about when things.. just..don’t work properly. Day to day interactions become a chore and the mind shows the equivalent of the TV test card. Used to be a regular problem for me as a kid. My parents would often be required to give me a nudge in polite company to bring my mind back from the rambling mental journeys it would take. Still happens from time to time nowadays, especially after going for a run. Ellen sees the faroff look in my eyes and asks worriedly ‘Are You Alright?’. Must look like I’m stoned or something..

Still, Ive kept most of these senior moments at bay in recent years. Must be a legacy of my laid-back demeanour or something. Stress does not come knocking very often so I guess that my mental spark might take longer to come into being sometimes. At least that’s what I’m thinking. If all that adolescent smoking caused lasting damage I wont be happy.

You know the feeling. During face to face communication the mind starts to wander like a balloon floating on the breeze. For me it can take a tremendous act of will to nail that bugger down and keep focused on the matter at hand. Caffeine has been an ally in many cases, keeping my mind ticking over in an orderly fashion. However, I can’t go walking about trailing an IV on my arm forever and my de-caffineated state doesn’t always win favour. Case in point my evening with our terribly organised and no-nonsense chiropractor in the gym. She rattled through her price structure twice with me and my colleague but the figures just would not stick. Queue much frustration from her and much sheepishness from yours truly. Its interesting, she used to be a Major in the British Army (at the age of 29!) where being the mental equivalent of Fred Astaire is compulsory. I, on the other hand, am more mountain goat than skilled hoofer.

And that’s a problem. My serene mental state sails along unhurriedly whereas it needs to be more punchy at times. I don’t have to mix it with business-like former military sorts the whole of my life, but it’d be nice to thrive in their company if I had to.

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