Friday 18 June 2010

How does this fat fool keep getting on my telly?!!

Someone will express this better than I, but her is my $0.02 on the matter.

Dunno bout you, but I wasnt invited to the meeting that decided James Cordon would be the football voice of the people. This guy seems to have broken out of his bumbling and not funny niche and suddenly done a Parkie on us. He writes a column in The Times and has a post match talk show on ITV for goodness sake!???

Seriously, I'm racking my brains to see what worth this guy has. His WC scribblings are insight and humour free whilst he has minimal passion or entertainment on telly either! For me he's the bastard child of Chris Moyles and Terry Wogan; without the spiky subversive charm of the former or the smooth appeal of the latter. This fat, football everyman has none of the comedy of Baddiel and Skinner, whose banter and passion ITV obviously hope he will update. Cordon is like the out of shape drinking dudes I work with, not much fun to be around, with only their self deprecating blokeishness as a redeeming factor. Think Peter Kay without the laughs or the energy.

Does this guy really deserve the exposure he's getting right now? Are we really that devoid of TV personalities that we've adopted the fat, annoying one off Gavin and Stacey to be our sporting, cultural representative? With the banality and lack of imagination floating on our airwaves and screens big and small, it doesnt suprise me. It still saddens me a little.


1 comment:

  1. I concur.

    Thank you for that post Alex. Made me smile.
