Wednesday 20 June 2012

My thoughts on nappy changing..

A revelation came to me a few days ago. I was compelled to share it with you. 

Coming to terms with nappy change is like learning to roll up a spliff... 

Now, stop scoffing and I'll explain further... 

When baby first arrives you regard it like a ticking bomb, any prod or poke might set it off. 

After a few days, you start getting used to this little life you are suddenly responsible for. Taking care of junior's needs becomes a priority and as someone said "those nappies won't change themselves, y'know" 

Anyway, to start you find a nice flat surface, somewhere quiet where you won't be distracted. You carefully position all the tools of the trade within arms reach, and there are some odd similarities 

replaces this: 

Meanwhile these: 
 replace these:

..and are alot more difficult to store in your jacket pocket!

You treat your cargo with same respect, making sure nothing slips out from between your fingers and hits the floor. Of course retrieving a little spilt baccie from the floor is less of a big deal than retrieving a baby! 

In both cases it's all about tightness, the aesthetic pleasure of a nice, tightly rolled joint is the same as your first tightly attached nappy. The disappointment of a baggy nappy is the same as a loose, sagging joint, except this time the baby shares the disappointment too. 

I haven't reached the proficient level yet, hopefully one day I'll be able to do the nappies like some of my old student buddies used to skin up. Of course I wouldn't be able to do it in a dark field, at 1o'clock in the morning in the middle of a gale (one of my toking buddies did this, you know who you are, and I'm still impressed nearly 20 years on), but one day I hope to make the job pretty seamless for all concerned. 

On an related note: once you mastered the rolling basics as a teen, there was an option to graduate onto something a little more advanced. Your standard smoke could be shaped into tulips, your T bars and all the other crazy stuff that tokers with too much time on their hands have come up with. 

This makes me think, is it the same with nappy changing????!! 

Just a thought...... 



  1. I haven't ever rolled a spliff but I do know that you don't one day realize that the green stuff has grown and is now trying to roll over all by itself smearing poop all over everything.

  2. Lol. He's still learning Heather! He'll find a metaphor for that too when the day comes that Dizzy can get away from him during nappy changes!
