Wednesday 16 October 2013

I'm SO ready to move right now,

I feel my brain is on a sandy beach near Shanklin already, it's just a matter of tying up the loose ends.

E & D on said beach. October 2013
We're back off for another visit this Half Term. To get a taste of the IOW off season as it were. Personally, the idea of a quiet island, empty save a few locals and old people sounds just the ticket for me. I hope the reality proves to be just as appealing. Of course my main concern is the kids, X and Little D will have the time of there life for years - but what about when X reaches his teenage years and wants to see the world? I can really see him wanting to travel at 16 and (hopefully) moving heaven and earth to do it. Let's see if we can give him all the support and inspiration he needs in the meantime.

On the other hand, little D is like my blank canvas. I'm so excited about immersing her in outdoor life and everything the IOW has to offer. The girl is no slouch already. She enjoys playing with X's lego (when X isn't looking, thankfully) and seems happiest driving cars around the floor every evening. My Mum asked, with some concern 'Does she ever play with dollies?' I couldn't think of anything further off her radar, if I'm honest! Her personality is blossoming, and when you see her saying 'bye bye' before trying to climb into the kitchen cupboard under the sink it well and truly makes your day...   

In money news I'm thrilled that my matched betting is going well. Isle of Wight wisdom dictates that if you've got a job you can bring with you, you're set. There seems to be bugger all for the natives apart from working in the service sector which is dormant come the winter months. I plan my pockets to be lined with a few quid from the online bookies and a few visits to their real life counterparts in the metropolis (Newport, that is). The fact there are just five Ladbrokes branches on the entire island (and no competion) makes me realise how insular the IOW actually is. 

Anyway, I better go as D needs putting to bed. 

Bye for now,


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