Wednesday 14 July 2010

My latest scheme/ sanity preserver.

Sisyphus had a hard life and it's on days like this I feel like I know what he went through. My working life feels repetitive and futile right now. All I do is push that rock up the hill and it keeps on rolling straight back down again. And again. And again.

To keep me sane, and stop my brain leaking out of my ears in a grey sludge, I often take up something creative to entertain myself. Here is my latest effort which I'd like to share with you:

Streetdaq is billed as the 'new internet goldmine' by its developers. Prospectors own a 5 year lease on a piece of 'virtual real estate' and can advertise on it/blog about it. Here's a piece of my property empire - it cost me a fiver but for my own mental health I consider money well spent.


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