Sunday 4 July 2010

Xander likes his Beck...

No purple dinosaur s**t for him!

He also happens to be a massive They Might Be Giants Fan, remember them? TMBG have been about for about 30 years now, and recently their output has consisted of some educational (and incredibly catchy) kids albums. X, me and Ellen paid a visit to The Royal Albert Hall to catch their family show.. and what fun it was! Below is the metallic silver penguin which glided over our heads during the show, much to the astonishment of the little ones in the audience.

The band spray a massive stream of coloured confetti over the audience.. much to their astonishment and great pleasure..
X mid mosh, he had a fantastic time and was seriously bummed when it was all over.

'Avatars' of the Two Johns. Operating two puppets above their head, singing clearly and making it an entertaining experience on a massive screen in front of a thousand people takes some doing. Their creativity has to be seen to be believed.

Being surrounded by parents and their young children made me think, 'f**k me, I'm a dad now'.. and that a feeling I am enjoying greatly at the moment.

On a similar note, we've gone garden crazy recently. I picked up one of those garden incinerators from Argos to do belated battle with the garden. Everything from apples, to old thorny shrubbery to a dead hedgehog have met a fiery demise in 'Ole Smokey'. Of course, being a former firebug in my youth I find this tremendously enjoyable. Also, it gives me some satisfaction and order in my life which is often lacked...

Oscar the Grouch really should've replaced the batteries in his smoke alarm..

1 comment:

  1. I like Old Smokey. Feed Old Smokey some more stuff.
