Friday 4 March 2011

My meditations on property porn.. and other things..

A quick one here, I'm tapping down a few words in my lair in the attic whilst Ellen watches 'Vacation, Vacation, Vacation in Australia'. Or whatever the hell its called...

She seems transfixed, which is remarkable as:

1. It's about Australia. And sunshine. Both of which she finds abhorrent.
2. It's about well-heeled people with lots of disposable income. The kind of folks she seems to have little time for.

This evening I've been ribbing her for this new love of aspirational television. What next, Cash In the Attic??

Anyway, Ive just bought myself a couple of silver half onces this evening. The silver price has touched $35 dollars per ounce and just seems to keep on rising. As I've said before, with underlying factors in the economy still the same (debt, massive uncertainty, inflation, money printing etc, etc) it seems the sensible option is to continue to buy commodities. Donning my smug hat now, I've been boring you about that since silver was hovering at $22. Bar a few slips it can only go in one direction as far as I'm concerned.

Who wants to lock their savings in for years and just get 5% on top for their effort? Doesnt seem like a sensible option to me...

In other news I've been carefully squirreling away my matched betting profits, £20 here, £40 there. It all adds up. A certain major high street operator has just offered me a hefty 60 quid bonus for signing up to their website. I'm trying to squeeze every penny I can out of it. Gives me a purpose in my perusal of the sporting press websites - something I did endlessly before I realised I could make a few quid out of it anyway!

Thats about enough for tonight. Not even 10pm as I write this and I feel my eyelids drooping. Whether thats due to the fact that sleep escapes me after 6.30 every morning nowadays or I've just finished a rather generous G&T, I dunno..

The descent down the attic ladder will be precarious either way, If you know what I mean!


1 comment:

  1. Not fair! You know how easily I become transfixed by the moving picture box... (and it's called "Location, Location, Location" for your information). xox
